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Title: Propuesta metodológica para el redimensionamiento de redes primarias de distribución debido a sistemas de recarga domiciliaria para vehículos eléctricos.
Authors: Pila Cárdenas, Edgar Geovanny
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: Quito : EPN, 2022.
Citation: Pila Cárdenas, E.G.(2022). Propuesta metodológica para el redimensionamiento de redes primarias de distribución debido a sistemas de recarga domiciliaria para vehículos eléctricos 91 páginas. Quito : EPN.
Abstract: This paper contains relevant information on the operation of electric vehicles, a brief description of their components and the different battery recharging modes, as well as a description of the operation of the distribution networks and a quick summary of non-linear loads and harmonic frequencies in the network. The primary network under analysis is the 21C branch belonging to the Epiclachima Substation (21), located south of the city of Quito. The analysis is based on the study of the demands of residential users except for commercial users connected to this network; thanks to data provided by the distribution company EEQ S.A., daily, weekly, and monthly energy consumption curves have been obtained, in addition to the simulation of this network in the CYMDIST software. The study in question contains a comparative economic analysis between an electric vehicle and internal combustion vehicles, as well as an analysis of daily demand without the inclusion of home charging systems for electric vehicles and with the inclusion of the same meeting certain criteria such as: analysis at maximum demand, and analysis with night charging schedule; it also includes a small study, a comparison of the sizing of some equipment that currently make up this network and the current standards presented by the distribution company is presented.
Description: This paper contains relevant information on the operation of electric vehicles, a brief description of their components and the different battery recharging modes, as well as a description of the operation of the distribution networks and a quick summary of non-linear loads and harmonic frequencies in the network. The primary network under analysis is the 21C branch belonging to the Epiclachima Substation (21), located south of the city of Quito. The analysis is based on the study of the demands of residential users except for commercial users connected to this network; thanks to data provided by the distribution company EEQ S.A., daily, weekly, and monthly energy consumption curves have been obtained, in addition to the simulation of this network in the CYMDIST software. The study in question contains a comparative economic analysis between an electric vehicle and internal combustion vehicles, as well as an analysis of daily demand without the inclusion of home charging systems for electric vehicles and with the inclusion of the same meeting certain criteria such as: analysis at maximum demand, and analysis with night charging schedule; it also includes a small study, a comparison of the sizing of some equipment that currently make up this network and the current standards presented by the distribution company is presented.
Type: bachelorThesis
Appears in Collections:Tesis Ingeniería Eléctrica (IE)

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