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Título: Desarrollo de un prototipo para dispensar alimento y agua para mascotas con tecnología IoT monitoreado y controlado a través de un dispositivo móvil
Autor: Aguilar Alvarez, Sandra Nathaly
Palabras clave: ALIMENTOS
Fecha de publicación: 16-dic-2019
Editorial: Quito, 2019.
Citación: Aguilar Alvarez, S. N. (2019). Desarrollo de un prototipo para dispensar alimento y agua para mascotas con tecnología IoT monitoreado y controlado a través de un dispositivo móvil. 170 hojas. Quito : EPN.
Resumen: In this titling work a prototype of an automatic food and water dispenser for pets with power backup is designed and implemented, which can be remotely monitored and controlled by a mobile application. This project helps people who travel frequently or those who work and are not around to provide food for their pets at regular times. The prototype consists of structures and mechanisms for dispensing food and water, level and weight sensors, actuators such as servo valves and a DC motor, all of which are controlled by an Arduino Mega. The Arduino Mega communicates with a Raspberry Pi 3B card, which in turn is connected to the Internet and communicates with the mobile application through MQTT, thus allowing control and monitoring. The user through the mobile application can: monitor food and water levels in the reservoirs, set up dosing schedules, watch your pet video, change the dish water and receive alerts or notifications from the dispenser. The challenging and novel aspects of this work have been the technologies that allowed its development, which were 3D design and printing and IoT technology.
Descripción: En este trabajo de titulación se diseña e implementa un prototipo de dispensador automático de alimento y agua para mascotas con respaldo de energía, que puede ser monitoreado y controlado remotamente por una aplicación móvil. Este proyecto ayuda a las personas que viajan frecuentemente o las que trabajan y no están cerca para proporcionar alimento a sus mascotas en horarios regulares. El prototipo se compone de estructuras y mecanismos para dispensar
URI: http://bibdigital.epn.edu.ec/handle/15000/20590
Tipo: bachelorThesis
Aparece en las colecciones:Tesis Electrónica y Control (IEC)

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